Spring 2012
Fall 2012
Winter 2012/13
Spring 2013
Spring 2014
Fall 2014
Winter 2014/15

Dhamma Dena

This online archive of Ruth Denison´s teachings will contain many Dharma talks, guided meditations, sensory awareness exercises, celebrations and every day life situations with Ruth Denison, as well as footage of her students Jane Hein and Linda Sibio. All of the footage was recorded between 2012 and 2015. The footage is in a chronological order: You can either watch it in the chronological order of a specific retreat or you can use the finder, if you are interested in a specific topic, e.g. impermanence, suffering, death etc.

You are free to watch the footage online, to share it on a private level with your Sangha or your friends or for study purposes. Please do not violate the copyright by downloading the footage, by using it for any kind of films or public screenings.

These clips are a short excerpt from the archive, all of the footage will be online soon.

Jack Kornfield`s Visit
For many years Ruth has been friends with Jack Kornfield, who visits her regularly in Dhamma Dena, her center in the Mojave Desert. This is a short excerpt of his visit in May 2013.

Anger & difficult emotions
How can we cope with anger and difficult emotions? This is a short excerpt of Ruth´s dharma talk on anger.

Wedding of Nick & Sakti
Nick and Sakti are two longterm students of Ruth. Their wedding is not only a celebration, Ruth turns it into a profound Dharma talk about partnership and love.

"The Golden Screwdriver"
Ruth gave this Dharma talk during the Holiday retreat 2012/13. At the beginning Ruth talks about her teacher U Ba Khin. Then Ruth explains that we should feel the Dharma in every drop of your blood and we should use a "golden screwdriver" to get the Dharma deep into our system.